Thursday, 11 April 2013

Citrus Paint Remover, Paste, 1 Gallon

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Citrus Paint Remover, Paste, 1 Gallon
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2013-04-11 15:09:58.867001-04

Citrus Paint Remover, Paste, 1 Gallon Category: Home & Kitchen
Vendor: Liquid is excellent for refinishing work to remove layers of varnish, stain, graffiti, and paint splatter . Unique, cost effect
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Product Description : ABR? Citrus Paint Removers are designed to remove multiple layers of latex paint, oil paint, varnish, stain and other finishes from wood, masonry, plastered walls or metal in a single application. ABR ? Citrus Paint Removers are a unique development in the paint and coating removal industry. ABR ? Citrus Paint Removers do NOT contain methylene chloride and offer a fresh citrus scent. The formulas are recommended for both interior and exterior use. No neutralizing is needed. The formulas are nondamaging to wood, masonry, plastered walls and metal.

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